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If you’re thinking about a career change but don’t know if you have the necessary skills, you might benefit from a variety of opportunities to learn new skills or to reinforce your current ones.


The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014 provides occupational training, on the job training, work-based learning and apprenticeships to eligible individuals. Training is usually offered through community and technical colleges, universities, private for-profit organizations and businesses. Through a variety of training programs, WIOA helps eligible individuals find self-sustaining employment.


Funded by the Green River Workforce Development Area using WIOA funds, you may qualify to receive up to a $5,000 scholarship annually for up to three years to complete an approved training program that leads to an occupational skills credential or an Associate's Degree in one of the following high demand sectors:


  • Advanced Manufacturing

  • Healthcare

  • Business and Information Technology

  • Construction

  • Transportation and Logistics


Please see below for eligibility criteria. All training courses must be on the Eligible Training Provider List, which can be found here

Dislocated worker training

​You may qualify as a Dislocated Worker if you meet one or more of the following criteria:
  • Have you lost your job through no fault of your own and drawing unemployment? 
  • Have you recently exhausted unemployment?
  • Are you a displaced homemaker (meaning you provide unpaid services to family members in the home or have been dependent on the income of another family member but are no longer supported by that income due to divorce, a laid-off spouse, a recently disabled spouse)? 
  • Are you the spouse of a member of the Armed Forces on active duty who has experienced a loss of employment as a direct result of relocation to accommodate a permanent change in duty station?
Set an appointment with a Career Coach by clicking the button below. 

 Out-of-School Youth Training

​You may qualify as an Out-of-School Youth if you meet one or more of the following criteria:
  • Are you between the ages of 16-24 and not currently enrolled in school?
  • Do you receive public assistance (TANF, KTAP, SSI, SNAP)?
  • Are you a high school dropout and in the process of obtaining your GED?
  • Are you a foster child or aged out of the foster care system?
  • Are you a parent?
  • Are you pregnant?
  • Do you have a disability?
  • Are you homeless with no permanent residence?
  • Are you an offender?
If you qualify for Youth training, you may also qualify for paid Work Based Learning Internships with local employers. Speak with a Career Coach for more information.
Set an appointment with a Career Coach by clicking the button below. 

Adult Training

You may qualify as an Adult if you meet one or more of the following criteria:
  • Do you receive public assistance (TANF, KTAP, SSI, SNAP), or have received public assistance in the past six months?
  • Are you a high school dropout and in the process of obtaining your GED?
  • Are you a low-income individual or from a low-income family?
  • Are you homeless without a permanent address?
  • Have you scored below a 9.0 on the TABE test? (Given at the Career Center)
  • Do you have a limited work history or no work history?
  • Are you over the age of 18?
  • Are you a single parent?
  • Are you pregnant?
  • Are you over the age of 55?
  • Are you long term unemployed (6 months or more)?
  • Do you have a disability and are considered low-income?
Set an appointment with a Career Coach by clicking the button below. 

On-The-job training (OJT)

On-the-Job Training (OJT) is a training option provided under contract with an employer or registered apprenticeship program sponsor in the public, private non-profit or private sector.  Through the OJT contract, occupational training is provided which enables employers the opportunity to train new employees (trainees) on the specific knowledge or skills essential to the full and adequate performance of the job.


OJT is a hire-first program and the trainee begins their OJT as a full-time employee of the company that has agreed to provide the on-site training and long-term employment upon completion of the OJT.


Through the use of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds, the employer is reimbursed 50% of wages for up to a period of six months.


Dislocated Workers, Youth, and Adults may be eligible for OJT contracts. 


For more information or to see if you may qualify, click the button below to set an appointment with a Career Coach.

© 2025 Kentucky Career Center - Green River.  

Funded by the Green River Workforce Development Area with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funds.

Equal Education and Employment Opportunities M/F/D.

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